Engineering, Procurement & Construction works in large scale for Gas, Oil & Water pipeline.

EPC Cross-country pipeline is the flagship business of the M.AL-BARGHASH CO (Simplified Joint Stock) As part of company’s EPC business, it undertakes Engineering, Procurement and Construction projects as well as large scale complex Construction only Projects in the Energy,Industrial and Infrastructure sectors. MBTC is a CATEGORY-1 contractor of Saudi Aramco, SWCC, SEC, MADEIN and its Engineering Procurement and Construction teams have a proven track record of high safety standards and the company has achieved Lost Time Injury Frequencies that are consistently well below industry averages,receiving several letters of appreciation and safety awards for their successful and timely project execution.

The company's range of projects includes pipelines for Oil and Gas Field Development, Gas Separation and Processing, LNG Plants, Refineries, Petrochemicals, Gas based Power Plants, power generation and Power Transmission Lines, Sub-Stations for Power Distribution; Onshore Pipelines including Oil and Gas Pipelines, Slurry Pipelines, Water Pipelines and Pumping Stations; Desalination Plants, amongst reputed government organizations in KSA, as both, an EPC and a Construction contractor.

On its projects, MBTC deploys full time Project Management task forces comprising of project personnel from all disciplines, including Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning and Project Support Services. We keep on continuously updating ourselves on the latest technologies being implemented in the Solar Energy, Pipeline & Oil & Gas industry, so that we can successfully identify and hire professionals who are have mastered these technologies and have implemented them in their previous projects.

Fabrication Facilities

Pipe Spool Fabrication is one of the core capabilities of MBTC.

M. AL-BARGHASH CO (Simplified Joint Stock) has acquired a Project support complex facility of One million SQ.MTRS, with separate state of art fabrication facilities for CS & SS piping spool fabrication, Structural fabrication, NDT, External coating & and hydrostatic testing. Fabricating carbon and alloy piping systems, we have the consistent ability to produce 6000+ pipe spools monthly. Our projects consist of large capital projects with thousands of spools, with trained personals deployed for generating material take off, weld maps & cutting length. Our shops and fabrication facilities are filled with highly skilled craftsmen, pipefitters, pipe fabricators, pipe welders with excellent safety and quality performance records. greater quality, efficiency and, ultimately, significant cost savings for customers. We take great pride in not only meeting, but exceeding our customers’ expectations in all areas, including performance, design, logistics, schedule, delivery, and cost.

Our indoor shop facilities routinely fabricate piping for construction projects all over the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our capabilities include most metallurgy, pipe sizes up to 60″ and all pipe schedules. We fabricate all types of industrial process piping, including: chemical, utility, and sanitary grades. Our shop space is large enough to produce large volumes of fabricated piping quickly if the customer’s schedule demands it. If the schedule demands 24 hour a day, 7 days a week service, round the clock work shifts are deployed. Consistent quality and continuous improvement is what can be expected when you partner with us on all your piping fabrication projects. Pride in our work, coupled with a highly trained and capable workforce, yields consistent, high quality, dimensionally exact piping day after day. Our facilities pursue continuous improvement methods utilizing the latest methods and procedures. Our welders are certified through ASME Section IX, the most stringent requirements in the industry.

MBTC is highly qualified to produce piping spools sizes ranging from ½” diameter small bore up to 60” diameter large bore piping spools. Our shops are equipped with the most modern state of the art welding equipment on the market, enabling us to provide very high quality and delivery schedule and assemblies for all grades of:

  • Carbon steel.
  • Stainless steel.
  • Chrome-moly.
  • Chrome alloys.
  • High alloy.
  • Nickel base alloy.
  • Low temperature.
  • Duplex grade and many Other alloy cladded materials.

We employ and keep on staff experienced qualified certified inspectors to insure quality standards, procedures and policies are adhered to on all of our projects per contractual requirements. Inspectors are certified to AWS and ASNT. Fabrication wing of MBTC has an extensive QA/QC program that encompasses all areas of our shop and field services. MBTC maintains its weld data management with Saudi Aramco approved software system-CUTEQM. We are continually upgrading and improving our programs to ensure we can provide “value added” to all our customers. Our fabrication facilities are frequently audited by Saudi Aramco & internationally recognized auditing firms and we proudly display our certifications of compliance.

MBTC is having its own established dedicated team and equipments for Pipeline Trenchless construction (HDD), Field Internal Girth weld coating, Internal Coating Facility for Flanges & Fittings & Girth weld coating of fabricated spools, Internal HDPE lining installation, Full Automatic welding along with Pay welders, ICCP, OHPL, Solar installation, Telecommunications, ELECTRICAL & Instrumentation,Hydrostatic testing,Testing & Pre-commissioning.

"Technology and our people are the biggest advantage we have over other companies..."

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